Keyboard Operation ------------------ Most functions are available from the keyboard. The purpose of this file is to provide a quick reference of the keys to use for various functions. These functions are explained in more detail under their own items on the Help menu. Menus ----- A menu can be displayed from the keyboard by holding down the "Alt" key while pressing the first letter of the menu title. For example, to display the File menu: Press and hold the "Alt" key. Press and release the "F" key. Release the "Alt" key. Press the character on the right side of the menu to select that function. You can also use most menu items without first displaying the menu. For example, you can select the File/Open function by simply pressing the "O" key. There are more menu items than characters available so there is some duplication. When you press a menu item character, and no menu is displayed, the menus are searched from left to right for that character. The Run menu, with user-defined commands, is on the left so it is searched first. If you were to define a command with a keyboard equivalent of "O", pressing the "O" key, would activate that function instead of File/Open. SSTV Mode --------- The function keys F1 through F8 are used to select the family of SSTV modes: F1 Robot 1200C color F2 Robot B&W F3 Martin F4 Scottie F5 AVT F6 Wraase F7 Miscellaneous (old European B&W) F8 Pasokon TV high resolution 640 x 480 Alt-F1 through Alt-F5 are used to select up to 5 different speeds in each of these groups. Some characteristics of the current mode can be found by picking "SSTV Mode" on the Setup menu. For more detailed information on all the modes, pick "SSTV Mode" from the Help menu or look in the file MODES.TXT. Auto Save --------- The "Auto Save" controls allow you to save images to disk automatically and review them later. Button Keyboard Action ------ -------- ------ A.Sav Insert Toggle Auto-Save switch First Home Display lowest number image Last End Display highest number image Next Page Down Display next higher image Prev Page Up Display next lower image Del Delete Delete image file Typically you would press "End" to see the most recent image saved, and "Page Up" to step through older and older images. Along the way, "Delete" can be used to clean out the ones you don't want to keep. Pick "Auto Save" item in Help menu for more details. Xmit / Recv ----------- The Transmit / Receive controls are: Button Keyboard Action ------ -------- ------ Recv Enter start Receive mode Xmit X start Transmit mode A Alt-X send AVT alignment tone Stby any while T/R stop Receive or Transmit You will notice that the "Recv" button has an extra rectangle around the text. The button with this extra rectangle is called the default button and may be picked by pressing the "Enter" key. Typically the "OK" button of a dialog box will be the default button. Transmit and the AVT alignment tone will end automatically when they are finished. They can be terminated early by clicking a mouse button or pressing any key. Don't telephone me and say that your keyboard doesn't have a key labelled "Any". The space bar is a good choice because it has no other function and you won't get an unwanted result if you press it more than once or right when transmit was about to end anyhow. Receive will run until you click a mouse button or press a key. Image Selection --------------- Use the left and right arrow keys to step through the thumbnail images displayed on the bottom of the screen. The up arrow causes a full screen display of the image when using the standard resolution 640 x 480 screen. File Selector ------------- The File Selector is the dialog box that appears for the Open and Save items in the File menu. You can use the following keys instead of the mouse: Home - Go to first item in this directory. Usually this will be ".." which means go up one directory level. End - Go to last item in this directory. Page Up - Scroll up 9 files. Same as clicking region above slider. Page Down - Scroll down 9 files. Same as clicking region below slider. Up Arrow - Scroll up one file. Same as clicking arrow above slider. Down Arrow - Scroll down one file. Same as clicking arrow below slider. Enter - Same as OK button. (Note that it a rectangle around the text, indicating that it is the default button.) Select the currently highlighted file or directory. Esc - Cancel. Printable characters - Enter a new file name. Use a period (.) before the file extension rather than inserting spaces. Alt-A ... Alt-Z - Select different disk drive. Note that there are buttons only for drives A through F so you must use the keyboard for later letters. Alt-1 ... Alt-8 - Toggle the file type selectors.